Friday, December 28, 2007
DC Sports Quotes of the Year
10. "We want to win all games. When you win, you have good feelings. When you lose, it feels like someone died." – Capitals forward Alex Ovechkin
9. "What a bad pitch it was." – Nationals pitcher Mike Bacsik, asked if anything struck him while watching replays of Barry Bonds's record-setting homer
8. "No man, a kicker is nobody I even pay attention to on the field. Waste of my time." – Redskins cornerback Carlos Rogers, when asked if he had ever fought a kicker
7. "This year will be different because I won't be caught up looking at all the stars in the stands. Well, unless I see Beyonce out there." – Wizards guard Gilbert Arenas on the NBA All-Star Game in Las Vegas
6. "He's chasing history. Whoop-dee-doo." – Dmitri Young on the Nationals' impending date with Barry Bonds 5. "I drink beers before the game, and then I go to play hockey. That's why I do some crazy moves, because I'm drunk." – Capitals forward Alex Ovechkin, joking (presumably) about his pregame rituals
4. "It's Valentine's Day. We're in love with each other." - Wizards Coach Eddie Jordan on the team’s mood
3. “If he says, 'Clinton, I need you to run through that brick wall,’ and that brick wall, it’s hard to run through a brick wall, I’ve got to find a way to get as close as I can and dive over the top of this brick wall and tell him, ‘[Bleep], I made it over.’” – Redskins running back Clinton Portis on offensive coordinator Al Saunders ... I think?
2. “My swag was phenomenal.” – Wizards guard Gilbert Arenas on shooting a game-winner from 32 feet as time expired
1. "It was a pretty serious situation. I pray for his buttocks and his family." – Nationals GM Jim Bowden on Jesus Colome’s injury
Courtesy of Lindsay Applebaum, The Washington Post, 12.27.07
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Going "Back"
After a crisp 5 hour, 17 minute commute covering 314 miles from Ashton, MD to Greensboro, NC last night, I need some tunes to get me back in the working mode. As always, your suggestions are better than mine, so please feel free to chime in. Here's what I have:
- The Pretenders - "Back on the Chain Gang" -- a classic on DC's Arrow 94.7 back in the day
- Aerosmith - "Back in the Saddle" -- probably Aerosmith's best song performed live
- Oasis - "Don't Look Back in Anger" -- the song heard after the popular hit "Wonderwall" on the "What's the Story (Morning Glory)?" album
- AC/DC - "Back in Black" -- a headbanger's dream
- The Beatles - "Get Back" & "I'll Be Back" -- two out of a thousand Beatles' classics
- Amy Winehouse - "Back to Black" -- a very talented artist that will eventually go to waste
- R.E.M. - "Don't Go Back To Rockville" -- just found out that this song was written by guitarist Mike Mills, telling his girlfriend not to go back to Rockville, MD
- Matchbox 20 - "Back to Good" -- a hidden song on the album with Push and 3 a.m.
- Steve Winwood - "Back in the High Life Again" -- not too familar with this song
- Tom Petty - "I Won't Back Down" -- a Petty classic
While we're on the topic of road trips and going back home, what's the best "in-car food?"
a) McDonald's Fries.
b) Taco Bell.
c) Popcorn and/or Trail Mix.
d) Candy bars.
e) French Onion Soup.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Cleaning Out The Notebook
- Are the Redskins trying to replicate the 2005 season's finish? One more win on this Sunday versus our arch-rival Dallas would give us 9 wins and good enough for the final Wild Card spot. Just one win either against the Bills, Bucs, Eagles, Packers, or Giants would allow us to relax going into the final week of the season. However, I think Gibbs had his best coaching game of Gibbs II against the Vikings. The "12 men on the field" challenge was brilliant.
- If Roger Clemens did not take steroids, then why would his trainer Brian McNamee rat out Andy Pettitte (who admitted taking hGH) and lie about Clemens?
- Check out the Dave Mathews Band's Live from Piedmont Park (Atlanta) DVD from this past September. Those talented guys know how to play so effortlessly.
- Looking forward to U2's new album in 2008. They average 4 years to produce a new album nowadays.
- Any new music suggestions, please send them my way.
And finally, my last "B's Bistro" poll question of the year...
What's the best Christmas song ever?
a) The Christmas Song (Chestnuts) by Nat King Cole.
b) Blue Christmas by Elvis.
c) Holly Jolly Christmas by Burl Ives.
d) White Christmas by Bung Crosby.
e) The Channukah Song by Adam Sandler.
Season's Greetings!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
College vs. NFL Coaches
Recently, the list of failed college coaches includes:
- Bobby Petrino: Louisville, Falcons, Arkansas
- Nick Saban: LSU, Dolphins, Alabama
- Steve Spurrier: Florida, Redskins, South Carolina
- Butch Davis: Miami, Browns, North Carolina
- Dennis Erickson: Washington, Seahawks, 49ers, Arizona State
Look, not only have these coaches had zero experience in the NFL prior to their first gig, but each of them if offensively minded. And, as Spurrier confirmed in Washington, the Fun' n' Gun doesn't work at the professional level. Defenses are too quick and more intelligent than your average college football team. As we've seen across the board with the successful teams, they have hired a defensively minded coach. Most of the coaches that I'm referring to here were defensive coordinators in the NFL at some point.
- Bill Belichek, NE
- Jack Del Rio, Jacksonville
- Mike Tomlin, Pittsburgh
- Lovie Smith, Chicago
- Wade Phillips, Dallas
- John Fox, Carolina
- Jeff Fisher, Tennessee
- Romeo Crennel, Cleveland
- Marvin Lewis, Cincinnati
When Petrino took over the Falcons during training camp, he placed a list of 5 inspirational quotes outside the locker room that were supposed to rejuvenate players as they left for the field. The fourth quote read, "Always Finish." That's advice that Petrino didn't take.
Playing devil's advocate: The NFL is a "business," right? Employees leave jobs all of the time for a better paying job. Isn't that what Petrino did in this case? He left because he was unhappy at his old job. Can we fault him for that?
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
B's Bistro asks...
What gift have you never gotten?
a) A pony.
b) A cool ten-speed Schwinn bike.
c) Cash... just give me cash!
Friday, December 7, 2007
Anyways, during the game, I was chatting with a casual fan sitting next to me on various baseball topics. With Jay Gibbons up to bat, my new friend uttered, "Lay off the juice, Gibbons!" I asked him if he really thought that Gibbons was using steroids, to which he replied, "yes!" Looking at the sculpting of his arms that day flicking the bat, I quickly realized what he was talking about. No matter how many weights he lifts, protein or creatine consumed, his body sculpture was completely unnatural.
I'm as sick as anyone about the linkage between steroids and baseball. The story got old about two years ago. But what is so damning about the Gibbons bust is his path of lying.
Aug. 2005 (after Palmeiro was caught): "Not one person has come out and said, 'Yeah, I took steroids.' I don't know, is everybody telling the truth? Something's got to give here eventually."
Nov. 2005: "We want to end the problem now and get back to playing ball and not worrying about steroids every day."
Nov. 2006: " have passed every test administered by Major League Baseball over all the years. I have never taken anabolic steroids. And I am not going to dignify these claims and accusations with any further response."
And now yesterday: "I am deeply sorry for the mistakes that I have made. I have no excuses and bear sole responsibility for my decisions. Years ago, I relied on the advice of a doctor, filled a prescription, charged the hGH, which is a medication, to my credit card and had only intended to help speed my recovery from my injuries and surgeries."
If Gibbons was a baseball "good guy," who can we believe going forward? Gibbons gave back to the community, signed autographs while on a rehab assignment in Class-A Frederick (I was the official statistician of that game), and until now, he was a great story being a Rule V pick out of nowhere. He parlayed several productive seasons as the cleanup hitter of awful early-2000 teams into a 4 year, $21M contract before the start of the 2006 season. Just another example of another athlete that we cannot believe -- and another fatal management error of the Orioles' front office.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Bowden's Moves Razzle & Dazzle
Recapping some of Bowden's Trades:
- J. Rivera for Guillen
- T. Kim for J. Spivey
- Day for P. Wilson
- Wilkerson for Soriano
- Majewski, Bray, Clayton for Kearns, Lopez, Wagner
- A bag of balls for Pena
- Schneider, Church for Milledge
- (Prospect) Gibson for Dukes
Stopgap Free Agent Signings:
- D. Young -- obtained for pennies on the dollar
- N. Logan
- R. King
When he tries to sign a player to a long-term deal, that's when Bowden runs into problems:
- C. Guzman
- V. Castilla
- N. Johnson (for injury reasons)
- Schneider (now traded)
Bowden absolutely fleeced the Mets for Milledge. I remember last year that Minaya wouldn't trade Milledge for Zito during the trading deadline. Maybe the Mets would have a '06 banner in Shea had the deal been made.
Here's "Capitol Punishment's" Chris Needham's take on the acquisition of Elijah Dukes:
And Rob Neyer adds this:"In a pure talent sense, it's a solid swap.
I'm not especially high on Gibson's long-term potential, thinking that he's
putting up stats with excellent command of mediocre stuff.
But the stathead side of me is superseded by the fanboy side. Any player whose Wikipedia
profile needs a separate off-field issues section is one you've gotta be careful of. And
it's a player I'm going to take no joy in rooting for."
"I guess I'm an idiot, because the trade for Dukes seems to me right in
line with the signing of Dmitri Young and the acquisition of Lastings Milledge.
Yes, Dukes is in a class of his own. I understand that. But all three players
came with particular sorts of baggage; not coincidentally, all three suffered
dramatic drops in perceived value within a short period of time."Also, it doesn't hurt that I got to meet Bowden last summer (June 2006) in Boston and he posed for a quick photo:
What the Dukes trade a wise decision?
Sunday, December 2, 2007
New Uni's
They're going to break out the Powder Blue Uniforms. Mind you -- they'll only occasionally be used as home alternate uniforms, but that's a feat in and of itself. I don't think anyone's ever worn the powder blue in their home stadium before.
The Royals will be wearing blue shirts (with white pants) while the Blue Jays will go completely retro and bust out the baby blue from head to toe. The Jays will also bring back their old logo, a pullover jersey, and their old two-color cap. I have one of those hats. I love it.
Considering that we haven't seen the powder blue for the last sixteen seasons (and the fact that no one under the age of 21 likely has any memory of powder blue baseball), let's take a trip down memory lane and revisit the teams that dared ... to wear blue"
Saturday, December 1, 2007
The Sean Taylor Case
The burglary vs. planned attack dilemma befuddles me. Isn't a burglary a planned attack? If one and two are both the same, wouldn't the number of years sentenced be the same as well? Here's what I think what happened... Taylor's family friend threw a party at his mansion behind his back while he was feasting on turkey back in DC. At least two of these four thugs probably attended the party and saw the lavish possessions of Taylor's in his house. With Taylor expected to be in DC on Monday morning for workouts, Sunday night would be the least likely time that he wouldn't be home. The burglary is planned and executed until they see Taylor in his bedroom with a machette. Shots fired. That would be my guess.
Why else would these individuals return to his estate in the middle of the night? Jealousy, precious medallions, and cash could all be factors. But what if the average NFL player earned the average salary of any other U.S. job? What if a star NFL player earned the same amount as a star player of a major company? The answer to the latter question is quite vague depending on the company. Could be $75,000 - $2,000,000 for example. You don't need an education to play football. What you need is body with physical gifts that only several thousand people on this planet possess. That's what you're paid for. What if Taylor had been making a typical salary for a job for someone right out of college? $15K-$75K? Would these hoodlums be looting his house if he were making that kind of dough? Probably not. But that's one of the many downfalls of professional sports (and in life); money -- and therefore, greed.
Friday, November 30, 2007
B's Bistro asks...
B's Bistro asks...
What gives the worst breath?
a) Dorito
b) Garlic
c) Cigarette
d) Onions
e) Beer
Monday, November 26, 2007
B's Bistro asks...
What's your favorite way to eat leftover turkey?
a) A big ol' turkey and stuffing sandwich.
b) Cold off the plate.
c) Turkey Tetrazzini.
d) What leftovers? We ate it all!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Rock Rivals
There are some rivals squaring off this weekend as well in the college ranks, most notably Michigan and Ohio State. I thought that it would be appropriate (and fun) to name a few bands who could be considered foes on stage, in the recording studios, or in record sales. On August 22nd of this year, Kanye West and Justin Timberlake [Ed. Note: 50 Cent, not Timberlake] both released albums on that day. There was a competition to see who would sell more. There's my first rivalry. Here's the rest...
- U2 and R.E.M. -- 2 great bands from the same decades. 4-man bands. Same number of albums. Somehow, they're always paired together.
- Lynard Skynard and The Allman Brothers -- The battle of southern rock.
- In Sync and The Backstreet Boys -- The battle of awful boy bands from the 90's.
- The Who and Led Zeppelin -- British rock.
- The Beatles and The Rolling Stones (and The Beach Boys) -- Talk about legacies...
- Blur and Oasis - The battle of British pop.
- Phish and Widespread Panic -- hippy music.
- Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera -- The battle of two people who shouldn't have kids.
- Moby and Eminem
- George Harrison and Eric Clapton -- friend or foe?
- Pearl Jam and Nirvana -- The battle of Seattle grunge.
- Kiss and Van Halen -- Two over-the-hill bands.
- Radiohead and Coldplay -- Two bands who want to be U2.
- 2Pac and Biggie -- The Bistro doesn't discriminate genres.
- The Rolling Stones and The Kinks -- Can you have more than one rival?
- Billy Joel and Elton John -- No comment.
- The Go-Go's and The Bangles.
- Neil Young and Lynard Skynard -- Two real rivals.
- Metallica and Napster -- Oh come on, that's funny!
Alright, there's what I could come up with right now. As always, your suggestions are better than mine.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Midseason Marks
The Cowboys are better than what I thought that they would be. I'm not a fan of coaching changes -- I think it can derail offensive and defensive continuity. It's kind of shocking that Dallas is right behind the Pats in total offense. Who would have thought that a rookie offensive coordinator would be in that position? Then again, I remember over the summer that Jerry Jones was contemplating the hire of Jason Garrett as head coach. Garrett always came in for mop-up duty after Aikman slaughtered the other team. I always hated when he played.
Is Bill Belichek the new evil empire of the NFL? With the cheating incident, running up the scores, and his abrasive demeanor, do teams now see him as the league's villain? It wasn't too long ago that they were the heavy underdogs in Super Bowl XXXVI.
Teams that I thought would be better: Saints, 49ers, Rams, Dolphins, Jets, Ravens, Broncos
Teams that I thought would be worse: Browns, Lions, Packers, Texans, Cowboys, Raiders
Expected: Chargers -- Call it "The Norv Turner Effect"
Chiefs -- A good coach, but no QB
Falcons -- They were doomed before training camp
Stay tuned for that Pittsburgh-New England game during week 14. The Pats could be 12-0 at that time and that's usually the week when undefeated teams lose their first.
One of these days, somebody needs to do an analysis of building a football team; free agency vs. the draft. I'm a huge proponent of the draft, especially after reading John Fienstein's "Next Man Up." This book takes you through a season with the Ravens, and if there's a need to fill, the draft is the number one source. The Pats rely on free agency (more so recently), and the Colts utilize the draft. The Redskins don't know what the draft is. I really value the model of the Ravens despite their down-year. If the Redskins could stop throwing away draft picks like they're an unwanted flyer, we might have something.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
The Great Pick 'em Dilemma
Friday, November 2nd
- 3:13 p.m. - Monty e-mails his picks for week 8.
Sunday, November 4th
- Approximately 10:15 a.m. - The Commissioner begins compiling everyone's picks.
- 10:31 a.m. - The Commissioner notifies Monty that he turned in the wrong picks.
- 1:00 p.m. - The first couple of games kick-off.
- 1:13 p.m. - The chart is distributed to the group.
- 1:22 p.m. - Monty and Kevin both turn in their week 9 picks.
Monday, November 5th
- 7:50 p.m. - Kevin e-mails the Commissioner and says, "I'll take the home teams then -- rules are rules."
As Commissioner, it is my duty to enforce the rules and regulations of this pool. I do not make-up rules "on the spot." In this particular instance, I referred to the "Football Pick'em Official Rulebook."
Article I, Section I states: "All players must turn in their picks before the first kick-off of that particular week."
Article IV, Section II states: "A player may change his/her picks asmany times as possible before the pre-set deadline." The deadline was determined at the start of the season to be 1:00 p.m. on Sundays except when a Thursday or Saturday game occurs.
Article VII, Section I states: "The Commissioner does not have the obligation to remind any player to turn in their picks under any circumstances."
Monty even had 2 hours and 29 minutes to revise his picks!
After further review, the call still stands -- Barb takes home the cake, while Brice receives a small portion as the Monday night winner. Now tell me, how is my ruling incorrect?
Friday, November 2, 2007
B's Bistro asks...
Who would win in a spelling bee?
a. Superman
b. Wonder Woman
c. Ronald McDonald
d. Rick Flair
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Kickball Re-visited
I can attest to the article's reference about young adults being active and socializing. If your local city has a league of any kind -- kickball, softball, dodgeball, basketball, etc. -- get out and play.
I especially like the league's motto: "Kickball... it's not just for kids anymore!"
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Hit the Panic Button (for once)
I think of this all the time and it's my point: Why does every manager and coach, no matter the sport, always provide the same old answers when their team is trailing in a series: We're going to stay positive; We're going to keep our head's up; I'm not worried, I can only focus on our guys, etc. Why doesn't anyone PANIC and say, "Yes! I'm flat-out worried that we're going to get swept." But that's unacceptable behavior. Further, why do we have to start your #3 pitcher hoping he can get you through 6 innings? Why not go against the norm and piece together your 4 best pitchers? Anyways, here's Neyer's excerpt, which I completely agree with; I'm glad somebody on the national level brought up this idea...
Clint Hurdle has two problems.
Problem 1 is that his Rockies are not nearly as good as the Red Sox.
Problem 2 -- a subset of Problem 1 -- is that his pitchers can't through five innings without throwing 100 pitches, and the last 20-30 of those not necessarily with any particular effectiveness.
Of course there's nothing Hurdle can do about Problem 1. Not on such short notice. But if he doesn't worry about Problem 2 -- if he doesn't panic -- he's not going to win four of those next five games.
If there was ever a time for Hurdle to panic, it's now.
I know he's not going to panic. It's not considered appropriate behavior for a man of his station. But let's just suppose for a moment. Let's suppose that Hurdle panics, and loses. Nobody would hold it against him; everyone thinks he's going to lose anyway. Let's suppose that Hurdle panics, and wins. Wouldn't he immediately be hailed as one of the great managers of our time?
So if Hurdle were to panic, what would he do? He would throw out the standard model -- open the next game with your best available starting pitcher, and use him until he's obviously fatigued -- and replace it with something nobody's ever seen before. It's fairly clear that his starting pitchers are not going to give him more than four or five innings, and that he'll be forced to use his relievers for at least half the game. So why not make that the model?
Why not ask the starting pitcher for three or four innings, and no more? As things stand now, the starting pitcher is the centerpiece of Hurdle's pitching plans. That's necessary during the regular season, when days off are rare and most teams have only two or three reliable relief pitchers. But the next six days of the World Series -- if it goes the distance -- include two days of rest, and this season Hurdle probably enjoyed the services of more reliable relievers than any other manager in the majors. Why not get them into the game when you want to get them into the game, rather than when you have to?" -- Rob Neyer, 10/26/07,
Now that we know the outcome, I'm not if panicking could have saved the Rockies. But will we ever see an manager or coach call out his team again or are those days long gone? The coaches that have done this (Jim Mora's playoffs?! playoffs?!) were immediately excused from their position. Of course the Colts have been an elite team since Mora's last season at the helm.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
B's Bistro asks...
Who's the coolest muppet?
a. Kermit
b. Yoda
c. Animal
d. Gonzo
e. Elmo
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Pet Peeves
I'm trying to discover the craziest pet peeve among the audience. Other pet peeves of mine include:
- Hair. I can't stand it unless it's on your head and in place.
- Cap off the toothpaste tube. I just picture a bug crawling up there, then when I brush my teeth at night, it's guts are spread over my white pearls.
- Wet armpits. The only thing I hate about playing sports in the summer.
- Turn signals. Not using them on a busy/fast street. I hate the last minute slowdown and turn off when traffic was flowing effortlessly.
- Cell phones in public. People cannot drive when talking on the cell phone. Also, people tend to talk louder than normal for no specific reason.
- Bicyclists in the road. Another annoying driving pet peeve.
As you can see, most of my peeves revolve around the roads. Give me some of yours...
Monday, October 22, 2007
Rox n' Sox
- The Tribe's aces: Sabathia and Carmona both layed eggs in the ALCS. If one of these pitchers threw well in ONE of their starts, the Indians would be hosting the World Series.
- Joel Skinner, the 3B Coach, who halted Lofton on the basepaths when he could have easily scored the potential tying run at the time. The momentum definitely would have shifted there. However, it went the other way when the next batter, Casey Blake, bounched into a double play.
- Grady Sizemore, who was a non-factor in the entire series.
- Chief Wahoo! Until the Indians discard this cartoon on their caps, they will be cursed!
At least the Tribe played their best against the Yanks.
Here's my prediction for the World Series -- I want to step out of the box, but I can't. I like the Rox in Colorado, especially with Wakefield pitching there in game four. Beckett and Schilling win in Boston. The Rox proceed to clobber Dice-K and Wakefield in Colorado. Beckett comes back to pitch well in game 5. Then, Schilling closes the door in Boston; Red Sox 4-2.
BTW -- I picked the Red Sox to win the World Series back in March due to their superior starting pitching and bullpen.
Friday, October 19, 2007
The Price of Gold
- Ball Busters defeated Synergy 8-2 in the Opening Round on Monday.
- Ball Busters defeated top seeded Red Rockets 5-4 in the Quarterfinals on Tuesday.
- Ball Busters defeated the newly top seeded Crush 7-6 in the Semifinals on Wednesday.
- Ball Busters defeated Crush again 9-8 in 11 innings to become the Kickball Champions on Thursday.
It's a double elimination tournament, so Crush was able to knock out Synergy in the losing bracket prior to Thursday's prime time game.
Last night's game was one of the most exciting games that I've ever played in. Here's a short summary of how the runs were scored.
- A 2-2 chessmatch through 6 1/2 innings.
- Crush scored 5 runs in the bottom of the 7th to take a 7-2 lead.
- Ball Busters scored 3 in the 8th to close the lead to 7-5.
- Ball Busters pushed 3 more across the plate in the 9th to take the lead, 8-7.
- With two outs, Crush tacked on a run to make it 8-8.
- In the top of the 10th, Ball Busters put one on the board.
- With the bases loaded and 2 outs, Crush matched that run in the bottom of the 10th. The next play resulted in an extremely close force-out at home plate.
- Ball Busters were able to manage one more run in the top of the 11th, 9-8.
- Crush goes quietly in the bottom of the 11th and a pile of Ball Busters is formed on the pitcher's mound. While jumping up to hug and high five a teammate, I landed awkwardly on my leg, slightly pulling my upper quad. No worries, there's no game tomorrow.
In that dramatic bottom of the 10th with the bases loaded and 1 out, a ball was kicked beyond second base. Already nursing two severely scraped knees and right arm, I dove for the ball and trapped it, preventing the runner on second from scoring. The next play resulted in a pop-up making it two outs. Crush was able to bunt a run in before we were able to get out of the jam. Unfortunately, the scrapes have extended down my legs, down my arm to my elbow, and on a spot on top of my shoulder. Don't forget about the 5 games that I missed due to that left leg contusion. We peaked at the right time and we're going home with a bunch of bruises -- and the gold!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
The A-Rod Dilemma
The oddest thing that I've heard/read about this scenario is that the Pittsburgh Pirates may be involved in the bidding! If he does opt-out, I think A-Rod will end-up with one of the teams from Los Angeles. The Dodgers really could use a marquee player to market their team around and add some stability to that lineup stuffed with talented rookies. Not to mention, they could use a bat in that weak lineup.
After reading the great Buster Olney's blog this morning, I completely agree with him on how this situation will play out:"I expect Alex/Boras to present NYY with a figure (Alex will sign for this now without testing the market -- a one-time opportunity for you guys to have exclusive rights -- or he's going to test the market and you can bid like everyone else, but without Texas' subsidy.') Yanks either bite down at that figure, or they don't and Alex is a FA. The real question is whether they can stick to their guns and not bid at that point. A marquee free agent without the Yanks as a buyer is not in the strongest position."
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
In Need of Some Water

Since I haven't done a music blog in awhile, I thought that it would be appropriate to do "water / drought" songs. Here's a list of songs off-hand that will hopefully bring us some rain this weekend. Otherwise, my office may reek of a naturalist's cave next week.
- Meat Puppets - "Backwater" - This song bleeds the 1990's.
- Elton John - "Madman Across The Water" - Not one of EJ's well-known hits.
- Blind Melon - "No Rain" - Probably a top 10 song from the 1990's and a "1-hit wonder."
- Garbage - "Only Happy When It Rains" - Rockin' the 90's in this countdown; another great band from that era.
- U2 - "Summer Rain" - I paid $1 extra at a music shop in Covington, GA to obtain this "hidden" track on the All That You Can't Leave Behind album.
- Dave Mathews Band - "Don't Drink The Water" - I still classify this song as new DMB.
- Eddie Money - "Give Me Some Water" - The title of this song couldn't fit the message more.
- Melissa Ethridge - "Bring Me Some Water" - Ditto on this one.
- TLC - "Waterfalls" - Quite possibly the worst song in 1990's.
- Van Morrison - "And It Stoned Me" - You need to listen to the song to know how it applies to this list.
- Jars of Clay - "Flood" - A very good song that nobody knows about.
Since your suggestions are always better than mine, see if you can add to this list.
Friday, October 12, 2007
The Schuerholz Effect
As a Braves' fan, this is a huge loss to the organization. However, while being promoted to "President of Baseball Operations, Schuerholz will still have his fingerprints all over this operation. Prior to Schuerholz's arrival, the Braves were the laughingstock of baseball. Following his departure and 14 division championships later, the Braves are still the class act of the National League.
Here's some evidence showing why Schuerholz was the best GM since (Hank Peters or) Branch Rickey. During his 17 year reign as GM, the Braves won 170 more games than the next best team, the Cardinals. So, if the Braves didn't win a game next year and the Cardinals went undefeated, the Braves would still have a better record than the Cardinals over 18 years!
Schuerholz's successor, Frank Wren, is a familiar name to Mid-Atlantic baseball fans. During the 1999 season, Wren was the GM of the Orioles, only to be fired after the season for clashing with Mr. Angelos. Throughout his book, Schuerholz credits and praises the negotiating skills and talent evaluating ability of Wren (the Assistant GM). I wonder where the O's would be if Wren continued on as their GM?
Schuerholz's reign as GM of the Braves illustrates an important point in all front offices. When you have stability and little turnover from season-to-season, a team is able to foster the principles displayed by its leader. Schuerholz has demonstrated impeccable leadership skills by listening and trusting his scouts, not budging on salary negotiations (it should be a privilege to play for the Braves), by giving up talent to acquire a big talent (see the Salty-Teixeira and Hudson-Meyer trades) and by filling a "need" through the draft and farm system (compared to signing an aging veteran -- see the O's). The Braves and MLB have lost a class act.
Monday, October 8, 2007
An Ode To Big Johnny
- After us whipper-snappers set off some fireworks during the first trip to the Ocean City beachhouse, Big Johnny trys to show everyone who's boss with some omnipotent fireworks of his own. Trying to one up us, Big Johnny lights the fireworks in the adjacent field, except one firecracker goes astray, setting the entire field on fire. Big Johnny leaps the fence (moving like his pants were on fire), grabs the hose, and begins to stomp and spray the field out.
- I commented to Big Johnny his fondness for hot dogs. When I asked him where you could obtain the ideal, best, juiciest dog, his response was "Oh, that's at that little mobile stand at the Home Depot."
- Big Johnny was helping Jason move out of his dorm at Salisbury (State) University one year. They were able to get most of Jason's belongings packed; however, they ran out of daylight to move them. Big Johnny, not wanting to drive back to Ocean City that night and then return in the morning, simply took Jason's nasty, dirty laundry, sprawled it out over the floor, and lied down on it to sleep.
- This list has to include a golfing story. Big Johnny claimed to be some "expert" golfer. The only time "expert," "golfer," and "Big Johnny" can be in the same sentence should be in reference to his line-drive swings. No matter what the terrain may be, Big Johnny's shot will follow the hills, valleys, and water traveling approximately 3 feet off the ground like a "lazer." Last fall, when we played at Sligo, Big Johnny hit his patent line drive shot that followed a 50 foot valley. The ball went down the valley (in the air), hit a bridge post at the bottom, then shot back toward us and landed 25 feet to the right of the tee box. Big Johnny walked over, picked up the ball, walked back, swatted a line drive down the fairway, and acted like nothing happened. A roar of laughter ensued.
- The first time that we played golf in Ocean City, Big Johnny's tee shot wandered far to the left near the driving range. Big Johnny walked over in pursuit of his golf ball, but it was on the other side of some small pine trees. After 5-10 minutes of being "lost," Big Johnny returned to the edge of the fairway only to find his ball. Only his pair of sweatpant shorts were stuffed with driving range balls.
- After giving me gripe for having my lawn mower settings too high and cutting the lines diagonally in high school, Big Johnny feared that his lawn would "burn out." I later told Big Johnny that somebody called my yard "Camden Yards" as they were driving by. A week later, I became his full-time lawn boy for the front yard. That yard looked exceptional with those diagonal lines.
- I'm not sure if this last one was true, but I'll tell it anyway. Since Big Johnny worked at home, his path often crossed ours during our summers in high school. Everyone who knew Big Johnny knows that he's a big-time talker. Well, that all of that talking (whatever it was about) finally got on Jason's nerves. Jason, plotting to do something to shut Big Johnny up, came up with a plan. Jason snuck a laxative into Big Johnny's spaghetti and meat balls that #5 made. Consequently, Big Johnny spent the rest of the day and night on the toilet, only talking to himself.
There are too many stories for today's blog. I'm sure that the readers who knew "Big Johnny" could add their own arsenal here all day long as well. You the man, Big Johnny!
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
B's Baseball Awards
Here are my regular season awards...
NL MVP: Matt Holliday, OF, COL -- When I went to a Rockies' game in Denver 2 years ago, I thought this guy would be a star in a few years. Would the Rockies have won 14 out of 15 and made the playoffs if it weren't for him?
AL MVP: Alex Rodriguez, 3B, NYY -- I hate giving it to a Yankee, but his gaudy numbers propelled the Yanks back into the playoffs for the 13th consecutive season. It was the offense that carried New York this year, not pitching -- the same thing that will haunt them this month in the playoffs.
NL Cy Young: Jake Peavy, SD -- He pitches in a "pitcher park," but having a sub 3.00 ERA with a high win count and a boatload of strikeouts sets him above the pack. Now only if he had one more good start in him last night the Pads would be in Philadelphia tomorrow.
AL Cy Young: C.C. Sabathia, CLE -- With ineffectiveness and injuries to the rest of the staff, Sabathia carried the Tribe to the central division crown. Now let's get another win against the Yanks in game one of the ALDS.
NL ROY: Troy Tulowitzski, SS, COL -- Along with Holliday, his surge in the second half spearheaded the Rocks to punching their ticket to the postseason. Those 24 HR's and 94 RBI's along with solid D can't hurt either.
AL ROY: Dustin Pedroia, 2B, BOS -- He filled in nicely at second for the Sox. That position has been a revolving door for them year-in and year-out.
NL Manager: Manny Acta, WSH -- The Nats were "supposed" to lose 110+ games. They won 4 more than the Orioles, along with a paltry $37M payroll. His upbeat attitude makes him a likely Bobby Cox-like fixture in DC for many years.
AL Manager: Joe Torre, NYY -- The guy looked dead in May and June. He kept his cool when everyone was piling on top of him. I'm not sure any other manager would have been able to handle his situation.
There you have it... agree? disagree?
Friday, September 28, 2007
A Cool Stat
Anyways, check out this stat, dug out by the Elias Sports Bureau, and reported by the Washington Post's Barry Svrluga (9/28/07):
"The final start of the season for left-hander Matt Chico will bring the last chance for the Nationals to become a statistical oddity. Washington has employed 26 pitchers this season -- including 13 starters -- yet no one has more than Jon Rauch's eight wins.
Moreover, no one has more than Chico's nine losses. Thus, should Chico get a win or a no-decision (tonight) in Philadelphia and Rauch not pick up two wins in relief, the Nationals will finish with neither a 10-game winner nor a 10-game loser. According to the Elias Sports Bureau, that has never happened in a full season; it happened only in 1981 and '94, seasons shortened by labor strife."
Thursday, September 27, 2007
The Art of Puking
Several callers proceeded to share their unique stories over the radio waves. Thankfully, each story had a funny ending. I was worried that the session would be dominated with personal, bland stories of drinking too much, then pulling the trigger. To provide you with one example of a good story, one caller mentioned that he was a manager of a bank that neighbored a bar. In the mornings when he arrived to open the bank, the caller would often find puke covering his door and the ATM! The bank had to install an outside spicket to attach a hose for the frequent scrubbings. When I heard that story, I will always wash my hands after using the ATM from now on.
The topic was sparked by this YouTube clip. Watch it carefully -- it's a foreign game show host performing the infamous "puke n' rally." Leave it to the professionals to do that. Usually, I'm done moving for the day/night when it happens to me. This girl resumes her position after the deed -- what a champ!
If you have an unusual or funny story revolving around this topic, please share. You can click the "Anonymous" user tab to post.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Alliteration Tuesday
H, He, and a Nirvana song. That was tonight's first question. Spelling is sometimes mixed in. So, feeling nostalgic towards my high school lessons, I decided that we're long overdue for a music theme blog. Today's grammatical vocabulary word is "alliteration." The dictionary defines alliteration as: The commencement of two or more stressed syllables of a word group either with the same consonant sound or sound group (consonantal alliteration), as in from stem to stern, or with a vowel sound that may differ from syllable to syllable.
I've developed a list of certain band names that feature the use of an alliteration. Here goes:
- Foo Fighters
- Mighty Mouse
- Jack Johnson
- Counting Crows
- Thompson Twins
- Tom Tom Club
- Til Tuesday
- Tina Turner
- Blues Brothers
- Michael McDonald
- Robert Randolph & The Family Band
- Culture Club
- Jesus Jones
- Rusted Root
Quite a few good bands and quite a few bad bands. Have any of your own?
Monday, September 24, 2007
Football is back
- The SEC Conference is hands-down the best NCAA football conference.
- Just as Herbstreit and I predicted, Georgia took down Alabama on their home turf (in OT). The loss was Nick Saban's first in the crimson red.
- Florida is better than last year's championship team.
- One of the best football games that I've ever attended was this past Saturday's Wake Forest-Maryland game. With MD up 24-3 with 1:51 in the 3Q, the CB for Wake interecepted a pass in the endzone and ran it back 100+ yards for the score. With 4 seconds left, Wake would tie Maryland, then win it in OT; 31-24.
- Wake Forest will beat Vandy in November on the road.
- Keep an eye out for Michael Oher, LT from Ole Miss. He'll be the next Orlando Pace in the NFL in 2 years. Read his unbelievable story in "The Blind Side" (see the blog in June) and he will prevail.
- When the Giants scored a TD in the 3Q to bring the score to 17-10, a sick feeling came to my stomach when the Redskins went 3 and out.
- The Panthers took care of the woeful Falcons in a meaningless game. Check out DeAngelo Hall's blowup incident.
- If the Nats can defeat the Mets and Phillies on the road this week, the Braves still have a shot. However, the Wild Card is probably their best route at this point. The Rockies are smoking hot (oxymoron).
- NC State is the worst football team in the state.
- LSU will win the National Championship when it's all said n' done.
Fall, while not my favorite season, is one of the best times of the year for sports.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Dining out with The Wicker Show
If you're in The Triad area, be sure to tune in between 6:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. during the week to hear the crazy and creative stunts, games, and prizes on the show. A musical guest usually joins them on Fridays, along with the best storyteller in the world, "Tim Bob." While Jeff, Carmen, and Skip "The Prize Guy" are very talented, the show emphasizes listener interaction. Who would Skip The Prize Guy give prizes to if all they did was turn people away by talking about themselves?
I was hooked to the show when I first moved down here in January. In DC, I listened to 98.7 WMZQ Country quite frequently. During my initial drive to Carolina, I popped in a CD because the signals from radio stations began to fade. So, during my first drive in to work the following day, I turned on the radio and a song that I enjoyed was playing. I proceeded to keep the dial tuned in to 98.7 that morning and really enjoyed the DJ's of this morning show. Haven't stopped listening since.
While many people in TV and radio can be snobby, the Wicker Show falls at the opposite end of the spectrum. When discussing birthdays and look-alikes at last week's Simon Mixer, Jeff had to do an on-air drawing and said that he'd be right back. Usually, when someone (especially the emcee) is forced to leave a conversation like that, they never return. Jeff was back pronto after the drawing. Cool, laid back guy. So, I advise you to listen to their show every morning because they're down-to-earth people -- and jam out to the DJ-less blocks of music during the rest of the day! Thanks for the Wake Forest tickets, Jeff; Picnic in the Plaza with Carmen; and my black Simon t-shirt, Skip!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
What to do with 756?
- Bestow It: Donate the ball to the Hall-of-Fame.
- Brand It: Burn an asterisk onto the ball with a branding iron, then send it to the Hall-of-Fame.
- Banish It: Put the ball on a rocket ship and launch it to outer space.
A recent quote on from a fan read, "I don't believe that even our own universe deserves such 'space junk'."
I can just see in the year 2027 that rays in the shape of asterisks will be shining down on our planet.
My first reaction was to "brand it." The record is forever embroidered in controversy. Would the HOF accept the ball with the * on it? But now, I sort of want to see it "banished." How will they shoot it into outer space? Will it be taken in the next NASA launch and then an astronaut just drops it on his evening spacewalk stroll?
What do you think should happen to the ball?
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Pirate Talk
Does anyone have any pirate jokes? And no, please don't tell me a Bob Saget-esque joke:
Q. What's a pirates favorite letter?
A. Arrrrrgghh
Over and Out
Playing back-to-back games and being the stubborn person that I am, I attempted to play through the pain. I kicked two solid singles, scored what would be the winning run, and turned an unassisted double play at first base. We won the game 4-3.
But tonight's victory and my participation paid a price. I believe that I have torn my left hamstring; a "left leg contusion." The back of my upper leg is purple, approximately 4 inches in length and 3 inches in width. Ice is glued to my leg this evening. However, if the excruciating pain doesn't dwindle by tomorrow morning, I will be visiting the orthopedist shortly thereafter.
For now, the best doctor that I know (my dad) has advised me to shut it down for 2-3 weeks. Unfortunately, I think he's right.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Make That Two
I did not start in the field, but I was able to kick 9th in the lineup. A pinch runner had to come in when I reached second base during the first at bat. In my second time up, I kicked a liner to the third baseman. A slight "pop" incured. Shelved. With our next game on Monday night, I have 4 full days to recover. We managed to win the game 7-5 thanks to some great fielding plays in the infield.
I've learned one misconception about kicking. I kick with my right foot. One would think that my "power" foot is my right one. However, if I cannot plant and pivot my left foot, power cannot be generated. In my second at bat, I was unable to produce power because my left leg was in bad shape. Instead, the ball went as far as my right leg could whip itself around.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Hamstrunged Out
I completed my usual routine of stretching prior to the game. I followed that up by running some strides down the left field foul-line. Because league rules dictate that the fielding positions must alternate between boy-girl, I played "left-center" to start the game. Since 95% of the kickers are right handed, we stacked our best player and me on the left side of the diamond. However, on the very first play of the game, a ball was popped up to the shortstop. A natural reaction led me to break in and that's when my left hamstring popped. I was able to hobble around until the bottom of the inning. The lineups are filled out similarly to the fielding positions; a team must alternate boy-girl to prevent stacking. I batted second and lifted a solid single up the middle, but that just about did it for me. The team captain poked an infield single just over the shortstop's head. With our strongest leg at the plate, standing on second base, I took myself out of the game. Our team is another version of the 2007 Nationals. Our pitching and defense are adequate, but we need as many runs as possible. The clean-up hitter flied to left. Inning over.
An 1-1 dogfight in the 7th eventually became a laugher when the opposing team scored 5 in the 8th. We ultimately fell by a score of 8-1. It was the most stressful game to watch. My spot in the order came up twice with runners in scoring position. I'm rocking the ice pack on the hammie right now.
We have another game tomorrow, then we're off until Tuesday. If I can't go tomorrow, I hope to be ready for next week's game or else a trip to the 15-day disabled list is in order.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
9/11 Remembered
Site: Georgia, 9/11/01 -- After prolonging to get up for my 9:00 a.m. Religion 200 class, I walked through the lobby of my dorm at about 8:55 a.m. to run to the cafeteria to grab some food to go. Some construction workers were gathered around the lobby's TV and I asked what happened. After one of the guys responded that a plane had hit the World Trade Center, I took a few steps closer to the tube to get a better look. I thought that it was some small Cessna plane that would be backpage news by the end of the week. Right then, in what I thought was a replay of the first airplane, the second plane struck the other tower. I returned to my dorm room immediately where my roommate was asleep. My roommate during that year was from New York and he informed me the night earlier during "Monday Night Football (Giants vs. Broncos)" that his mom was flying to San Francisco for business. After a few scary minutes, my roommate was able to track down his mom on her cell. Her flight never took off. One of the locals in the area, a fellow named Burton Crews, called our dorm shortly afterwards. (Ed. Note: Burton failed out of college after one semester.) I picked up the phone and Burton shouted, "Brian! Dan! Both of your cities are under attack!" the hung up the phone. FYI, Burton sounds like Barney from "The Simpsons."
A day that I'll never forget. A couple of friends and I drove through the bare streets of Atlanta. Downtown, the bustling Peachtree Street was nearly vacant on this typical business day.
Give me your site and any memories that you may have...
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Hatin' Traffic
- Ozzy Osborne - "Crazy Train"
- Elvis Costello - "Accidents Will Happen"
- Drivin' N' Cryin' - "Fly Me Courageous"
- Crazy Numan - "Cars"
- U2 - "Running To Stand Still"
- Dishwalla - "Counting Blue Cars"
- The Jimi Hendrix Experience - "Crosstown Traffic"
- 3 Doors Down - "When I'm Gone"
- The Jam - "Town Called Malice"
- The Cars - "Drive"
- Talking Heads - "Road To Nowhere"
- AC/DC - "Highway To Hell"
- Crash Test Dummies - "Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm"
All of the above songs encompass a traffic theme to them. Got any of your own?
Friday, August 31, 2007
B's Bistro asks...
The one...
a. With all of the power tools.
b. With the hot spouse.
c. With a pool.
d. Who's quiet.
e. With a nice TV.
f. With a huge window... see (b.) above!
FYI: I hope to have my college preseason picks up when I arrive in Maryland.
Just Pathetic

- Runs allowed: 98
- Runs scored: 38
- Worst loss: 30-3
- Consecutive losing seasons: 9 (heading into 2007)
- Record since 1997 (last winning season): 652-877
- Longest losing streak: 21 games in 1988
- Longest losing streak this season: 9 games in June and now
- Record since Dave Trembley named manager for next season: 0-9
What a disgrace!
(Stats and photo courtesy of The Baltimore Sun)
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Fire in the Hole!
Here's the sequel of events -- the prank will take place at a drive-thru line of a fast food joint:
- The prankster orders a large sized drink and some food at the fast food establishment that he/she chooses.
- The prankster pulls forward and pays for the drink and food at the first window.
- At the second window, the prankster receives his/her drink. (Have you ever noticed that the drink is handed to you first in the drive-thru line?) While they are waiting for their food, the prankster inserts several ounces of hot sauce or Tabasco sauce into the large drink.
- When the fast food worker opens the window to hand the prankster their food, the prankster throws the entire drink (with hot sauce in it) at the worker (through the window hole). While the throw is taking place, the prankster yells, "Fire in the Hole!"
- The worker is doused with the drink, usually on their face. The hot sauce begins to burn the worker's face.
Here is an actual play-by-play of the "Fire in the Hole!" successfully executed:
I guess that's why the clerk at Bojangles shut the window door immediately upon handing me a sweet tea. I didn't order any food with it, plus it was dark, and I was the only car in line. Hmmm...