Monday, September 8, 2008

Stadium Economics, New York Style

Winston-Salem, NC -- Here's a link to a recent New York Times article about season ticket price woes for New York area fans. In summary, it's an awful way to treat your fans. If you paid thousands for a "seat license," you are stuck with (1) a lifetime of buying tix at any price set by the team, (2) abandoning your "investment" in the license or (3) trying to sell your license. I think the "value" for seating licenses is a bubble that will cave just like dot-com stocks in 2000 and Florida real estate in 2007.

As the fan says at the end of the article, if ownership can't afford to finance a new stadium on their own, they shouldn't be leaving Giants Stadium. Something for DC area politicians to remember when Danny (inevitably) tries to one-up the Giants and Cowboys with a new stadium! Yes, this is coming from me, a huge proponent of stadium building. Although, I can just see it now in the year 2017 (after 20 years of playing in the "outdated" FedEx Field), Danny buys the plot of land that RFK currently resides on and builds a University of Phoenix Stadium to trump the new Cowboys Stadium.


Unknown said...

The new Redskins stadium should look something like this:

Unknown said...

I like that. I'm all for abandoning that ugly bowl of concrete (FedEx) and return to DC soil. Just don't fleece your top customers for it.

JasonB said...

You going to any games this year B?

Unknown said...

I'm going to the Giants' game on November 30th -- Thanksgiving weekend. Are you slated to attend any?

JasonB said...

Becca and I are going to the Philly game 12/21. Hopefully it'll be more than just a spoiler game for us.