Thursday, September 4, 2008

Are You Ready for Some Football?

Greensboro, NC – After a jam-packed weekend of Murphy Nation festivities and zigzagging back and forth on the Tappan Zee Bridge, the vociferous conversation centered around such items as “How many points are the Giants favored by?,” “What? You’re a Skins fan?,” and “Be sure to catch the Super Bowl champs next week roll over your Skins.” A classy fan never boasts about his team. Plus, what should we expect out of the Jim Zorn Administration?

For once, there were no splashy free agent signings or top, lottery picks to showcase in Ashburn this year. Sure, there was the boffo trade for (former) sack machine Jason Taylor, but this current time frame of the Snyder reign is preaching continuity. It’s all fine and dandy when Greg Blache picks up the torch from “Double G” Williams, using the same defensive schemes. But what about the cornerback depth? Shawn Springs isn’t getting any younger, Carlos Rogers is coming off knee surgery, and Fred Smoot doesn’t cover the 70% of land that he proclaimed on draft day 2001.

Jason Campbell is expected to thrive in Zorn’s West Coast offense. As SI’s Peter King notes, expect big things from Campbell soon. WR depth was built through the draft. Clinton Portis is finally poised to carry the workload again and appears in good condition following his shoulder injury from 2006. But saying that Campbell will blossom and the D will continue to improve its top 10 finish from last year is like saying (in 2002) that the defensive with Marvin Lewis will be solid and The Ol’ Ball Coach will entrench an explosive offense equating to a double digit, playoff season. I have no idea what to expect from Zorn this year. I have no idea who the guy is, other than the people from Seattle love him. The team’s DNA under Gibbs was run the ball and play solid D. Now, short drop back passes are inked all over the playbook.

Tonight’s game is tough to predict. Sometimes the Redskins play very well in the Meadowlands. Sometimes they lay eggs. Coming off an exuberant Super Bowl victory, playing on national TV, and opening up the final season of Giants Stadium translates to an extremely ballyhooed crowd. This type of crowd could parallel the October 2005 game when Giants owner Wellington Mara passed, and the Giants used this emotion to propel them to a blowout victory. I love the Redskins, but for tonight, I’ll say:
Giants 24, Redskins 13
Hail to the Redskins!


Anonymous said...

"A classy fan never boasts about his team. Plus, what should we expect out of the Jim Zorn Administration?"

Those fans were not boasting. They were simply stating fact. The above statments can only be interpreted as sour grapes from a Skins fan looking for his team to recapture an iota of it's LONG, LONG, LONG past glory.

(I love you babe but I think you are right about tonight's outcome.)

Unknown said...

Sounds like a bunch of Giants' fans have infiltrated the Bistro!

Go Skins!!