10. The Chicago Cubs

9. The Tampa Bay Devil Rays

I have placed the D-Rays in the top 10 because they've had nearly as many logos as seasons played in baseball. The marketing director must be an indecisive goon. Purple and green on baseball logos and uniforms should be reserved for minor league teams. I do like the devil ray coming out of the "y" though.
8. The New York Yankees

Again, another "classic" logo. But surely The Boss can cough up a few dollars to enhance this logo. How about in 2009 when they move into the "New" Yankee Stadium? The baseball reference is fine, but where else do the Yankees have red in their uniforms?
7. The Philadelphia Phillies

I like how the logo incorporates a symmetrical field and the Liberty Bell. I'm not saying to put a cheesesteak in the logo, but add a little more "philly" to it. These colors are long outdated. Give me something with a little bit more sleek.
6. The Minnesota Twins

Yawn. Another logo that should have retired long ago. Maybe we see a new logo to couple the new ballpark opening in 2010? I think the creators of this logo just threw the baseball in at the end. I think that the Twinkies should incorporate the lakes, such as a ball landing in a (frozen) lake like this year's All-Star logo.
5. The Toronto Blue Jays
This logo was unveiled within the past couple of years. There is way too much business going on here. While it's a significant upgrade over their past logos, namely because it doesn't feature the Canadian Maple Leaf, it still needs work. The "J" with the blue jay sprouting out looks tacky on a baseball cap. I like the blue, silver and black look, but let's shrink it down a little.
4. The Oakland Athletics
"You can't mess with tradition" is the theme of this countdown. Even with the whacy, former owner, Charlie Finley, long-gone from the team, the A's continue to flaunt this green and yellow menace. I remember in Little League how everyone wanted to be the A's because they were "green." I'm not sure why an elephant is featured in their alternate logo either. But, did you know... Charlie Finley was the one who devised the yellow tennis ball because he couldn't see the white ones. See where he got the idea?
3. The Cleveland Indians
I won't get into how this logo is politically uncorrect because a) I'm a Redskins' fan, and b) I'm also a Braves' fan, who's previous mascot was "Chief Nok-A-Homa." Creative! I like the Indians' alternate logos with the "C" and the "I." I'm just not a fan of this cartoon drawing.
2. The Pittsburgh Pirates
Speaking of cartoons, this one is absolutely terrible. I love the standard "P" on their caps, while using the city's colors, black and gold. While the Tampa Bay Bucs go a little overboard (no pun intended) with their pirate ship, I think that's the route to take. Maybe use a baseball as a cannonball?
1. The New York MetsSo you knew that I was going to put a New York team here? Of course! I know that the colors are suppose to signify the city's two abandoned teams, the New York Giants (orange) and the Brooklyn Dodgers (blue). It's not a bad idea, but it just doesn't work. Pick one of the colors and use it with black. Again, a new stadium is on the horizon in 2009. Make the switch and quit making me think of Hardee's (in the 90's) when I watch them!
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