Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Winter Kickball

Greensboro, NC -- One would have thought that's what the City of Greensboro kickball players had signed up for last night when rosters were composed back in August. With the temperature hovering in the low 40's and the wind chill in the 30's, the tension in the air only became thicker because of the postseason stakes and tight inning-by-inning scores.

With a three game skid in the regular season, followed by an opening postseason clunker, Ball Busters President of Kickball Operations Kasey (who had a different last name during the first half of the season) performed one of the most unselfish, yet surprising acts in the history of this league. She turned over her managerial duties to Paula Jackson ("Sarge"), who in turn, churned out a boffo lineup card night after night. The notion of this team has always been "the whole is greater than the sum of the parts," and Sarge reaffirmed just that. For one, we're a team of misfits -- strung together by the league a year ago, we didn't go to school together, we don't work together, we don't hold team tryouts or anything like that. As a lesser talented squad, using that motto, early success was reached by winning a ring in the first year, but high expectations became the carryover effect. With strategic kicking placements, a team-first attitude, and some smothering defense, the Ball Busters were able to rattle off four straight wins before succombing to Can I Kick It? on the back end of a doubleheader.

The theme of the postseason has been some shaky defense in the first two innings, followed by a comeback in the kicking department coupled with some suffocating D. That formula was put to work in game 1 last night against the Red Rockets. A 3-run homer and some cheap runs were not enough to deter the Ball Busters. While the rookie umpire was thrown into a highly tense atmosphere, blown calls affected both teams. Vociferous shouts and remarks following the game by a couple of Red Rocket players went unheard. A nifty 14-10 win in the nippy air for the Ball Busters.

There have been several misjudgments by the commissioner's office, even in its third year. In addition to placing a rookie umpire into the middle of a deep postseason game, and only having one umpire for that matter, the scheduling itself is flawed. Unless it's an early round game, I believe that the winning team shouldn't have to play more than once on a single night. There was very little... in fact, nothing other than 1 run, left in the Ball Buster's tank for their showcase showdown against Can I Kick It?. The play turned sloppy as the air became colder; a 21-1 shelling ensued. The defeat made pumpkins of us all before Halloween. But still, 8 days ago, we looked more like the team not participating in the tournament than bronze medal recipients.

In addition to the late postseason play, more player discoveries were made -- Chris continued to field bunts better than 911 calls, BGunns emerged as a solid infield player, Kristin's kicking was the most improved on the team, Jimmy "The Titan" shagged more flyballs than he did doling out low five's and "Let's go's." Brittany looked like a "lonestar" patroling left field in her first year of play. Not to mention, Gail Myrick should win the "Rolaids Relief Player of the Week" award for stepping in and pitching a gem against Hi-Gravs, who beat us in the regular season. Josh P. didn't need any prayers hauling in flyballs, and consequently, kicking flyballs and sacrifice flys this year. Clutch was nothing short of the nickname. I think the biggest improvement by any single player was BLewters. Primarily used as an outfielder in the first season, BLewters has emerged to superstar status in the infield. Losing John as the anchor at third sharpened every infielder's skills in a way. We had to make-up for his loss as a key cog to the defense.

It was a challenging year managing new people and suffering some heartbreak losses to teams that we have beaten in previous seasons. Let's strengthen our kicking and catching skills this offseason and lure some free agents. We need some kickers of the female race! Either one big bopper or a couple of girl kickers would greatly enhance our team this spring. But also keep this in mind, if you depart for the free agent riches that be of playing for another team, just remember, that particular team will be done playing in the postseason before us. The evidence is in the pudding. Seeya next year -- hopefully in above arctic temperatures!


Anonymous said...

geez... didnt know an elementary school game could be so intense

JasonB said...

Where's the video feed of the game B "Olbermann" Attridge?

JasonB said...

And yes, I chose Olbermann due to your strict allegiance to the Donkey!

Unknown said...

Was never an Olberman guy when he was on Sportscenter... and his radical liberal views cements my thoughts on him. You and your leftist media follies will crumble next week when Obama mania is put to rest!

JasonB said... sound so diabolical in that rant...And you are right, once Obama wins in a landslide, the mania will calm down. Everyone and everything will go back to normal like it was before the worst Pres in history reigned "terror" on us. ;)

Unknown said...

That wasn't a "rant."

We'll know in less than a week who will win this everlasting election. More on that in tomorrow's (10.31) blog.