Not everyone in America was cheery over Tuesday's election. I received some viewer e-mail and decided to post this one from one of my favorite readers... call him Hillbilly Tom from Tennessee. He offers a different point of view of Tuesday's inauguration; enjoy:
"Having realized that his acceptance speech would be anticlimatic to any of
his fainting-spell, pre-election rallies, Obama bookended his appearance at the
Capital yesterday with presentations more boring and wacky than his own
misguided thoughts-- a wombat from the astro plane reading her etheral,
Hait-Asbury poetry that, of a million attendees, only a selected few
brain-frozen tumbleweeds took deep meaning from, and Dr. Lowery's prejudicial,
nursery-school benedition at the end, which effectively stirred half a dozen
racial pots that Barak's election was designed to simmer and cool.If Obama's team of experts figures to entertain a million strong, outdoors, in 20 degree
weather, with a traditionally indoor Chamber Music ensemble consisting of a
frozen cellist and violinist, both of whom cringed at the damage they were
inflicting on their sensitive instruments even as they were attempting to play--
is this same team capable and ready to rule the world-- to decide how much of
our money we get to keep and where to best spend it? 'We Want
Change!' You can settle for change. I Want My Money Back!"