Mike Wise scoured through the Redskins' locker room, surveying the players of their presidential choice: 29 Obama, 8 McCain, 7 Undecided.
Money quote:
Further, from the NBA article, money quote"Fred Smoot summed up this year's dilemma for
many of his teammates when the veteran cornerback told the AP, 'We're coming
from Democratic backgrounds, but we got Republican money right now.'"
from Wizards Center Etan "The Poet" Thomas:
"Although the NBA is predominantly African
American, the Wizards' Thomas said the enthusiasm for Obama has less to do with
him being black than with his views on the economy, health care and education.
Obama 'is . . . laying out the plans. He's not talking around the issues. There
is a sense that things will be different.'"
Ok, Poet, how is it not about "being black" and voting for Obama when you're making... err fleecing $6M / year? You're in Obama's 95th percentile, which means that you'll be subjugated to
being a member of his socialist club, "Spreading the Wealth." If it's not about the money, why were you intent on leaving the Wiz several years ago? Don't tell me that the city of Milwaukee is better than DC. And health care? Poet, you're part of the one of the nation's most powerful unions. I'm not sure how you can justify that Obama's socialist health care plan is better than McCain's. I'm not buying your poetry this time.