Winston-Salem, NC -- Random musings for you to comment on...
- I remember when DC was awarded the Montreal Expos team, they promised to build a $611M ballpark as part of the luring package. DC fulfilled that promise pending some unfinished features around the park that the Lerners are complaining about. However, the park promised to offer "breathtaking views" of the Capitol. Check this out.
- Trivia Tim became the latest member of the blogging world. His new blog, "Useless Things Need Love Too" has some interesting tidbits in it. Double Bonus: you can link back to B's Bistro from his site.
- Viewed the first part of Kissology last night, which takes a hard look at Kiss's early tours from 1974-1976. I didn't realize that drummer Peter Criss was that talented because he doesn't come through on the albums. Kiss has some nice hits; however, I'm not sure if their "costumes" or alter-egos fit their music melodies.
- Enjoyed my 4th of July weekend in the quaint little town of Blacksburg, VA. One of the locals mentioned to me that they don't even lock their doors at night or when they go to the grocery store. I didn't know that towns like that still exist in America. Anyways, we saw the Hokies' football stadium, the 4/16/07 VA Tech Massacre Memorial, and toured the hall where the shootings took place.
- I'll be in Raleigh tomorrow to see the third and final of my summar concert giants: Tom Petty. Review will be out on Monday.
- Couldn't agree any more with Rosie on the Dodgers' front office... Frank McCourt, the Dodgers owner, is trickling into Peter Angelos territory.
- One word: absurd. Brand, not only a traitor to the poor Clippers, is getting paid $82M to play basketball for 5 years. What a joke.
- One more thing... Michael Beasley, 2nd pick in this year's NBA Draft, and college standout at KS State this year is from the DC area. He represents it well here with his new ink on the right sleeve (courtesy of Mr. Irrelevant):

Thanks for the plug! That is:
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